Tuesday 25 September 2018

The Benefits of Therapeutic Taping

Therapeutic Taping, also known as Kinesio Taping, in an alternative rehabilitation technique designed to support muscle and joint function. They’re essentially brightly colored elastic strips with an acrylic adhesive on one side, that are strategically placed on the skin along the injured muscles. Many athletes use this to assist the body’s natural healing process after injuries in sports.

How does therapeutic taping work and what does it do?

Tactically placed elastic strips along the muscle provide stability and support without restricting the patient’s movement. It’s very common that one application could last a few days, depending on the patient’s needs, but since the elastic tape moves with your body, comfort shouldn’t be an issue. The tape is known to lift the skin through its elastic features, facilitating lymphatic draining so that inflammation could subside faster than without the tape. It’s also thought to help remove lactic acid caused by exercise or playing sports, which is why we see many athletes with therapeutic tape on their bodies. It promotes good circulation, which helps the body heal at a quicker rate.

Who can benefit from therapeutic taping?

Although it’s especially beneficial for athletes and very active people because of their vigorous use of their muscles, therapeutic taping can be beneficial for anybody. It’s safe and effective for people of all ages, from children with physical disabilities to the elderly with limited mobility. The tape is both waterproof and sweatproof, so a child can easily use it without the risk of falling off.

Therapeutic Taping is an interesting and different way to reduce muscle pain and facilitate healing. If you want to learn more about this form of muscle therapy, try reading An Illustrated Guide To Taping Techniques, by Thomas John Hewetson. It focuses on the many techniques used in Kinesio Taping but also goes into more depth about its benefits. Feel free to browse through our online library, www.playopoly.com, to find out more about how to deal with sports-related injuries, as well as sports content in general.

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