Tuesday 30 April 2019

Best fictional sports

There are some nuances to world building that get overlooked by some, but others take it to a whole new level, inventing not only languages but sports as well. Here’s our rundown of the top three fictional sports to come out of movies, books and web series.

Death Race

From the movie of the same name, the game of Death Race is simply. Get as many points as you can by running over people and killing them with your car, then live to see the end of the race. The world’s best drivers all compete in this cross country race and some people are only too happy to throw themselves under the wheels of the racers to help them try to win.


There are many magical things about the world of Harry Potter, but one of the best things to come out of the wizarding world is the game of Quidditch. Played on brooms, the teams have four balls to deal with. The chasers (three on each team) try and get the quaffle (the big red ball) into one of the three hoops that are guarded by the opposing team’s goalkeeper. The beaters try to knock the chasers, goalkeeper and seeker (we’ll get to this in a moment) off their brooms by knocking two bludgers about the field, and the seeker tries to catch the tiny and elusive golden snitch that is worth 150 points and ends the game.

To find more of the best from the sporting and fictional worlds, check out www.playopoly.com where you’ll find even more sporting moments, victories and the best that fiction can offer.

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