Monday 24 May 2021

Best Adventure Games That Came From Books

Reading a good book can take you into a new world filled with tension, joy and many other emotions. However, some have these into equally tense and possibly frustrating board games. There have been many books that have received this treatment over the years, and the books can be found online on sites like Playopoly. However, here are some of the best adventure games to have come from books.

Lord of the Rings

Now, I would guess there are not many people that don’t at least know about this book, but the board game is also a good adaptation. It is for age 12 and over and was made by the Hasbro Game company. The game story is that of the book, you are a Hobbit that has to take the ring to Mordor.

Fury of Dracula

The original book by Bram Stoker which you can find on Playopoly, has been made into many things over the years, so a board game wasn’t going to be a stretch. The game features you as a vampire hunter, trying to track down Dracula by racing across Europe.

Game of Thrones

Another classic book that has made it to the board game market. You are battling for control of the land of Westeros, but along the way, you have to deceive and backstab your opponents. The conflict aspect is not dissimilar to the game RISK.

For more books that became board games, check out the library at Playopoly.

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